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In these uncertain and evolving times, serving our young learners is more critical than ever. We stand prepared to support you in the mission of meeting students where they are as a result of the pandemic.

Hands-on programs not only stem learning loss, they also work by accelerating learning, exciting the mind, and igniting student passion. Explore- and learn how you can get your hands on hands-on summer learning.

With your help, we can provide ALL students learning experiences that praise their resiliency, nurture their growth, and build upon the knowledge and skills needed to start the journey toward a brighter future.

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The news of the most recent killings in Atlanta has left me with a tightness in my throat and a constant pain in my belly. You and I know that hate, racism, and targeted violence – regardless of the motive – are completely unacceptable. We must stop pretending that this is a problem we cannot do anything about. We can! Let’s begin with conversations at home with our friends and loved ones.

Today as we reach out to our Asian friends, let’s do so in love. Sometimes, it seems when we want to be the most loving and compassionate, our words fail us, but do it anyway. Join me in body and heart, and assume the revolutionary posture of love. Whether sitting, standing, fighting, resisting, holding, or weeping, let us join with our friends, neighbors, and colleagues of the beloved Asian, Asian-American community and stand as one.

- Carmen C. Marshall

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Updated: Mar 19, 2021

Teach Spanish: Strategies for Success

  1. Learn along with your child. ...

  2. Set up a daily schedule for language learning. ...

  3. Choose your themes when you teach Spanish. ...

  4. Use props and TPR. ...

  5. Combine learning and play. ...

  6. Add Spanish to established routines. ...

  7. Try family 'Spanish time' once a week.

  8. Collect new vocabulary words in a Libro de PalabrasEnroll.

9. Enroll your child in online Spanish Classes

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Supporting literacy development through Education, Mentoring and Empowerment.

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